Developer Responsibilities:

  1. Scope of work

The DEVELOPERS will design, develop and host the website required for the COMPANY/BUSINESS in accordance with the requirements submitted by the COMPANY/BUSINESS and the terms of which will be given in this document. 

  1. Changes

Changes to the any of components in the website will be made only when the COMPANY/BUSINESS gives a formal request via Email to the DEVELOPERS. The DEVELOPERS will notify the COMPANY Of any extra charges that might occur to complete the changes.


Website Design:

  1. Design

The website for the COMPANY/BUSINESS will be designed in accordance with the requirements given by the COMPANY/BUSINESS. The addition of any graphic material or content that might be viewed as offensive or related to any illegal activities will not be added to the website even at the request of the COMPANY/BUSINESS.

  1. Graphic Content used:

All the images, icons and other graphic content added to the website are free to use for commercial purposes and no attribution is required for the owners of the images. The DEVELOPERS will not add any images that are not free to use for commercial purposes. However, images owned by the COMPANY/BUSINESS will be added only at the request of the COMPANY/BUSINESS.

  1. Submission to Index Sites

The DEVELOPERS will submit the website’s URL to Google and Bing to improve the visibility of the COMPANY’S website in the WWW. The COMPANY/BUSINESS shall also register the website to other indexing sites and the DEVELOPERS will assist the COMPANY/BUSINESS to do the same, free of cost.


Website Hosting:

  1. Server Hosting

The DEVELOPERS will host the website at their own server which will be maintained and secured by the DEVELOPERS themselves. Any maintenance-related modifications shall be made by the DEVELOPERS and the modifications shall be done within the period mentioned by the DEVELOPERS at the time of the request. Website Maintenance is not included with server hosting maintenance and comes as an individual subscription-based package.

  1. Backup Copies

Every version of the website will be stored separately by the DEVELOPERS in the same server itself. The backup versions of the website will be provided to the COMPANY/BUSINESS only at a formal request made by the COMPANY/BUSINESS through email.



  1. Price for Creation of Website and Hosting:

50% of the total project value shall be paid by the COMPANY to the DEVELOPERS/DESIGNERS initially as the development/designing costs and for hosting the website(If the client has chosen the package that includes the server) for one year. This price covers the development costs and design costs. The remaining amount should be paid one day prior to the day of deployment of the WEBSITE. The advance amount will not be refunded once the development has been started and negotiations in prices shall be signed as a contract before the start of the project.

  1. Maintenance Charges:

At the end of one year of the deployment of the website, the RENEWAL COST respective of the chosen package shall be paid to the DEVELOPERS for domain and server maintenance two days prior to the RENEWAL date. The cost of the maintenance charges will not be changed for a period of 12 months. Any changes in the maintenance charges will be notified by the DEVELOPERS through mail and call. 

  1. Changes to the Website:

Any minor changes to the website such as the addition of TESTIMONIALS, adding new Banner images provided by the Client COMPANY/BUSINESS, changes to about, terms & conditions, and privacy policy pages will be done by the DEVELOPERS free of cost provided that the content is provided by the COMPANY/BUSINESS. But any major changes that involve the addition of new pages to the website and UI overhauls or addition of new functionalities will be charged by the DEVELOPERS and the amount shall be negotiated at the time of request of change. 

  1. Invoicing:

Invoice will be provided once the final payment of the project is done.

  1. Termination of website:

The website shall be terminated from the server by the DEVELOPERS  when the COMPANY/BUSINESS refuses to settle the required payments within the due date mentioned in the invoice or when the COMPANY/BUSINESS wishes to terminate the website at any given time of the year. No amount will be refunded to the COMPANY/BUSINESS when the website is terminated. 



All components are licensed under “MW” and the licenses will be transferred on prior notice through mail. Additional charges will imply for license transfer based on the plug-ins and design components used on the website. All websites will hold the content “Made with MW” until the license is transferred to their name.