7 Amazing SEO Tactics To Improve The Click-Through Rate (CTR)

7 Amazing SEO Tactics To Improve The Click-Through Rate (CTR)

As a start-up businesses, you have built your website and handling SEO optimization. But still, are you struggling to get website visitors?

Then there are few factors related to it – Low CTR, your website is not ranked on Google’s first page.

These two are most important factor to get website traffic and improve your search ranking.Fortunately, these two are inter-linked with each other. When the website click-through rate is high, it will be ranked well on search engines. Thus in-turn, you can get more customers and leads.

Achieving a good ranking on the search engine is good, but if nobody clicks on your link, then your good ranking is no more beneficial. Investing efforts on improving click-through rate is an effective option to better achieve the rank on Google. In fact, while you are on the way to improve your organic CTR, you also aid in moving your website rank to a better position in the SERPs. 

So if you are struggling to improve the CTR of your website, then let’s walk into the recovery tips immediately.

  • Craft Notable Headlines
  • Write Meta Description Relevant to the Web Page
  • Use Long-Tail Keywords While Writing Content
  • Optimize Your Blog Content
  • Get Benefited from Rich Snippets
  • Optimize the Website Speed
  • Make Use of Google Analytics Tool

You might have heard this popular joke about Page 2 Google search results – “Want to hide a dead body then do it in Page 2 of Google search results”. Neil Patel says, ranking in second page of Google search results is equal to not ranking at all.

And so, keeping this in mind, it is very essential to fix the low click-through rate factor for your website to perform well in Google search results.

Here comes the brief explanation for the above given tips

Craft Notable Headlines

As like email marketing and Adwords campaign, even SEO search needs attention-pulling headlines for the visitors to click your website. To put it simple, headlines create first impression for your website and to convert visitors into customers.

Secondly, due to emerging competition, it is also challenging to create a catchy headlines that must also be relevant to web page. You may be ranked in #8 or #9 or even in 10th position in Google search rankings, but attractive subject-line will make the visitors click your website.

Here I like to include an example which tells about headline directly.

While searching for “tips to prepare a resume” – “6 Tips for Writing an Effective Resume” catches the attention since it is relevant and holds numbers. And visitors may directly switch to 4th Google search results leaving the 3rd listing. Again, it is because the article headline is relevant and attractive with numbers.

You can include “headlines research” along with keyword research. Use social networking platforms to find out which subject-line grabs more “likes” and “Followers”.

Adding to this,

The attractive headline must also be most relevant, appealing and be a natural fit for the search term.

Write Meta Description Relevant to the Web Page

Meta description is considered as the most important on-page optimization parameter. Without proper Meta description, an attractive title will not fetch you good click-through results.

Here are few tips to write a good Meta description that yields users attention.

  • The Meta Description Must Be An Answer For A Question:

Usually, people visit Google to get answers & information for their search query. And hence by writing a Meta description that answers the title query, half of the work is done.

Secondly as per Google guidelines, Meta description must be 155 characters long.

For the search query “How to prepare a resume?”

Here is the Example for Meta description

“The font size must be 11 or 12 & the text must be formatted. Include educational & employment history. To know more & to get resume samples, visit here.”

  • Meta description Must be SEO-Friendly, Relevant & Natural

As like headline, the Meta description must also be closely related to the search query. The relevant description holds the attention of search engine and users as well.

For Example,
For the search query “How to prepare a resume?” – writing the types of resumes will reduce the CTR.

Use Long-Tail Keywords While Writing Content for Blog/SEO Promotion

Why long-tail keywords play a good role in search engine optimization(SEO)?

Let me explain this, By researching and optimizing your website and blog with long-tail keywords, there are more chances of getting higher search rank.
Long-tail keywords are like buying a lottery ticket, the more you purchase – there are more chances of winning the game.
The long-tail keywords or phrases will increase the search volume possibilities for your website and helps to rank better.
To build a search ranking funnel – Single, focused keyword stands as basic funnel and long-tail keyword or clustered keywords forms mid and bottom layer of the funnel.

Via long-tail keywords, you can

  • Reach more target audience.
  • Increase the click-through rate.
  • Lower the bounce rate.

In-turn, improve the search ranking of the website.

Optimize Your Blog Content

Google and your Target audience loves listicles.
According to Wikipedia, listicles is a piece of information written in the form of a list.
For Example,

“Top 10 Tips to Write a Resume”

“10 Simple Steps to do Search Engine Optimization”

“20 Best Internet Marketing Strategies”

Generally, people love to click and read the content given in listicles. And therefore, you must leverage listicles while writing the blog article. Prepare attention-grabbing article topic using listicles, as per example given above.

By this way, users click and read the information given in the blog, eventually increasing the click-through rate.

Get Benefited from Rich Snippets

Rich snippets was introduced by Google in the year 2009. Rich snippets are mainly used by ecommerce website owners to get the readers’ attention instantly. Rich snippets are considered as a solidified social proof and suggests the target people to click and read the text.

For ranking websites, search engines look for rich snippets. Hence it becomes essential to craft those rich snippets through a no 1 SEO company in Chennai. Ecommerce entrepreneurs are making the most of snippets by utilizing them in their marketing efforts. 

So, if you are holding the ecommerce website, you can include the ratings and reviews of products around those products which you want to make a push into the customer. If you are holding the ecommerce website then you can rate the products with customer reviews. To do this, you must activate the snippet plugin into your ecommerce website or else you need to write the code manually.

Optimize the Website Speed

The survey taken by Google uncovers the strong relation between web page loading time and CTR.

The web insights say that,

1sec to 3secs delay in loading time leaves to 32% bounce rate.

1sec to 5secs delay in loading time leaves to 90% bounce rate.

1sec to 6secs delay in loading time creates the probability of 123% bounce rate.

Hence, when it comes to website loading time, faster is always the better.

To optimize the website loading time,

  • You must avoid too many landing page redirections
  • Minify the CSS, JavaScript and HTML
  • Optimize the image size
  • Delete the plug-ins that are not used.

Make Use of Google Analytics Tool

Remember, those websites that take too much time to load, don’t count to the clicks. The web pages should appear before they contribute the part to the CTR rate. Hence by paying attention on improving user experience and website speed, you aid in improved CTR. Via Google analytics tool, online marketers can improve the SEO search rankings for the website, increase the click-through rates and can boost conversion rates too.

As GA gives information about – how people and Google view your website, you must leverage the tool for better search rankings.
To do so,

  • It is essential to connect your Google Webmaster account to Google Analytics account. By this way, you can easily track CTR of your website. For this, enter into Google Analytics account and select “Acquisition >> Search Console >> Landing Pages”. On this page, you must click on “Set up Search Console Data Sharing” and provide necessary data.
  • By linking these two accounts, you can analyze impressions, clicks, average position and click-through rates. The formula for CTR is,
    CTR= Number of Clicks/Number of Total Impressions *100
    And if the CTR is less than 4%, it needs optimization.
  • Necessary Steps to be Taken Immediately: Go to “Acquisition >> Search Console >> Queries”. Now you can download the entire report. And now, apply filter for impressions that are above 1000 and CTR which are more than 4%. Secondly, you can analyze the list of keywords that are filtered and use those in Meta tags & content creation.

Improve CTR through your email campaigns

If you have been using email campaigns in your marketing plan, then it is important to know about the ways that improve click-through.

 Optimize for mobile

If you haven’t worried about designing the emails for mobile screens, then you are losing the necessary attention of mobile users towards your message. Mobile friendly design is a vital element for successful email marketing and relative CTR rates.

Call to action

While it is a common practice to include more than one call to action while crafting email campaigns, it is not advisable for good click through rates.  Adding too many links for influencing the engagement of visitors can distract the subscribers, make them overwhelmed with multiple CTAs and hurt the click-through rates of emails.

Categorize the emails

Well, different groups of people stick to different interests. If you send a message that is not relevant and interesting to a certain group of audience, then your CTR will decrease. If you want to skyrocket your CTR, then customize the emails based on the interests of audiences. If you send the right offer to the right group, you will see an improved Click through rate. Hence make use of truly personalized emails through the best SEO company in Chennai.

CTR is the most significant factor for handling SEO promotions and ranking your website on top of search results. You might have a reputable website that holds everything about your business. However high CTR is mandatory to rank well in search engines and to uplift your online business. As much as the content quality the presentation can also play a role on CTR. You can read more about how to improve the user experience of your website from our blog How To Deliver The Best Customer Experience Through Your Website

Well planned SEO tactics are waiting to bring improvements in your ranking. So are you up for it?

Reach us / Call us +91 7871871971

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